CROSWOOD company, headquartered in Toruń, Poland, was founded at the beggining of 2014. Our mission was to introduce into the Polish market a durable and eco-friendly covering material, being the perfect alternative to the wooden, PVC and WPC profiles already used outside. After initial research and analysis we decided to begin the production of a wide range of composite profiles made of a globally innovative composite material called RESYSTA, which consists of, among other things, rice husks (natural waste), mineral oil and salt. The main factors which influenced our decisions were the eco-friendliness of the material, the appearance resembling exotic wood, the choice of colours and the unprecedented durability, combined with a wide range of applications.
The next step was to obtain a EU funding in 2019 to develop a new composite material based on natural filler. The result of the work of our research team supported by technologists from EKOMER and INEOS Compounds companies was the development of a new composite mixture based on rice husk. The material was named after our company – CROSWOOD. The profiles made of the new composite are available in both standard and PLUS versions. You can find out more about our composites and what makes them different here.
Throughout the years we have gained the necessary experience and enriched our offer with a wide range of Resysta and Croswood profiles, systems designed for constructing composite decking and facades, and finished products such as garden pots and plantboxes.
CROSWOOD company, headquartered in Toruń, Poland, was founded at the beggining of 2014. Our mission was to introduce into the Polish market a durable and eco-friendly covering material, being the perfect alternative to the wooden, PVC and WPC profiles already used outside. After initial research and analysis we decided to begin the production of a wide range of composite profiles made of a globally innovative composite material called RESYSTA, which consists of, among other things, rice husks (natural waste), mineral oil and salt. The main factors which influenced our decisions were the eco-friendliness of the material, the appearance resembling exotic wood, the choice of colours and the unprecedented durability, combined with a wide range of applications.
The next step was to obtain a EU funding in 2019 to develop a new composite material based on natural filler. The result of the work of our research team supported by technologists from EKOMER and INEOS Compounds companies was the development of a new composite mixture based on rice husk. The material was named after our company – CROSWOOD. The profiles made of the new composite are available in both standard and PLUS versions. You can find out more about our composites and what makes them different here.
Throughout the years we have gained the necessary experience and enriched our offer with a wide range of Resysta and Croswood profiles, systems designed for constructing composite decking and facades, and finished products such as garden pots and plantboxes.
Decking, facades, profiles for benches – CROSWOOD is a Polish company with a huge potential
Recent years have been spent on spreading the idea of a new, eco-friendly composite material based on rice husk mainly among market specialists – designers, architects and developers. Participation in trade fairs and conferences has led us to our durable composite material being recognised for its unique properties. This is proved by the constantly increasing numer of projects and realisations involving our material and the awards it has won (Plastpol, BUDMA Gold Medal, Sail of Development).

Currently, we are focusing on constantly improving the production, manufacturing technology and processing the profiles made of RESYSTA and CROSWOOD composite materials. As professional manufacturers, we are constantly inspired by our customers’ ideas and we are always working on new applications. We also continue to spread of network of partners and distributors not only in Poland, but also throughout the European Union.
Obecnie skupiamy się na doskonaleniu produkcji, technologii wytwarzania i obróbki profili wykonanych z materiału kompozytowego RESYSTA oraz CROSWOOD. Jako profesjonalny producent nieustannie inspirujemy się pomysłami Klientów oraz pracujemy nad nowymi projektami zastosowań. Kontynuujemy też dalszą rozbudowę sieci partnerów oraz dystrybutorów nie tylko na terenie Polski, ale także całej Unii Europejskiej.